
Title: Работа с премиальными клиентами
Update Time 2019-05-21 14:37 Views

BEST is not cheapest price. "Best" is a total package that relates to VALUE to the customer. 

Our goal is to offer customers the very best value for the money they spend. To us, that means we are not always cheaper but instead, we have to be better than our competition.

Credibility is the key to success! From the beginning to the future, we concentrate on the sewing technology for Heavy Materials and Thick Thread, by working closely with our premium customers that have leading positions in their markets. 

Here list some of our premium clients:

                          Delta Plus safety harness

                        Height Safety and Access Solutions

                            Spyderman climbing ropes

                                 BTS safety harness

                              Yale ropes and Cordage

                      Cirque Du Soleil Acrobatic Rigging

                   Safewaze fall protection equipment

                              Hermon cargo straps

                    PMS lifting and lashing solutions

                     Natuzzi leather sofas and arm chairs

                                        La-Z-Boy furniture

                                Boconcept sofas

                                Lorenzo leather sofa

                       SIAM funiture design and manufacture

                                  Foliot Furniture

         Amtrend luxury casegoods, upholstery and furniture

                        Theodore alexander sofa

                               Ebenezer leather sofas

                           Doyle sails makers and repairs

                                   North sail makers

                                        Ullman Sails

                                      Hood sail makers

                                        Quantum Sails

                                     UK sailmakers
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